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Poor Norman News

January 6th Insurrectionist Convictions

There are many people who believe that the January 6th Insurrectionist convictions are not valid. These people believe that the convictions are just a way of bringing a spotlight onto the insurrectionists so that they can be punished. However, these people are wrong.

Jonathan Pollock

Jonathan Daniel Pollock, a man from Lakeland, Florida, has been charged with assaulting multiple police officers with a deadly weapon. He has been accused of a violent entry into the Capitol building and using a shield to attack three law enforcement officers.

Federal agents tracked Pollock while he was in California and Florida, and the fugitive is believed to have friends and family in several states. A reward of $15,000 was offered for the arrest of Pollock in March. This has since doubled. It is believed that the FBI has active surveillance on the Pollock family.

Pollock was part of a group of friends and family from Polk County. He also has a sister, who is in court awaiting trial.

The affidavit lists the suspects, including charges, where they are from, and their status. Some have ties to right-wing extremist groups.

Guy Wesley Reffitt

After a jury convicted Guy Wesley Reffitt of five crimes associated with his involvement in the January 6th Insurrectionist attack, he was sentenced to more than seven years in prison. His sentence is the longest yet imposed for any defendant involved in the Capitol riot.

According to the FBI, Mr Reffitt was part of a militia-style Three Percenters movement. These groups are named after a small percentage of the colonial US population that fought against the British in the War of Independence.

The jury found Reffitt guilty of five counts, including obstructing an official proceeding, carrying a firearm during a civil disturbance, and transporting a firearm during a civil disturbance. He was sentenced to serve at least three years of supervised release.

The charges against Mr Reffitt stem from his actions on January 6, 2021, when he went to the U.S. Capitol wearing body armor and a helmet, and armed with a semiautomatic handgun.

Michael Perkins

The list of insurrectionist convictions involving the Capitol riots in 2021 includes several Floridians. Among them, Jonathan Pollock stands out. He was a part of a group of rioters who slammed into the police line and then engaged in tug-of-war style conflict. During the attack, he also broke an officer’s grasp.

Another prominent rioter was Joshua Christopher Doolin. He was a member of the group that pushed through the Capitol Police. His family and friends were reportedly gathered around him when he was arrested.

In addition to Pollock, dozens of other rioters are in jail. Some are accused of participating in the insurrection, while others were arrested for their roles in destroying property or assaulting law enforcement officers.

One of the most serious charges is seditious conspiracy, which can carry a prison sentence of more than five years. Other charges involve violent entry into the Capitol grounds, disorderly conduct in a restricted building, and obstructing an official proceeding.

Olivia Pollock

Despite the fact that many rioters have been put behind bars, a number of Floridians are still at large, accused of participating in the deadly Capitol insurrection. Some of them have been linked to right-wing extremist groups. And the FBI is reportedly actively looking for them.

In a federal investigation, prosecutors have primarily relied on social media posts. But they are also seeking financial records and credit card information. Depending on the standard of evidence, agents can get court orders to review these records. Using a “trap and trace” device, agents can track all calls from a particular phone line.

A federal statute makes it illegal to cross state lines to avoid prosecution. The FBI was able to monitor Pollock’s movements while in California. It also tracked him when he was in Florida.

By Norman Gregory


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