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Poor Norman News

Republicans and their supporters would rather tear down our nation than lose an election.

It is January 2, 2021. In four days, Congress is set to meet on January 6, 2021 to officially count the electoral college votes, and to certify the election.

Our nation has gone through this process for approximately 231 years plus or minus with no problems. Even when the southern states adamantly opposed Abraham Lincoln when he was elected, the process worked albeit the southern states seceded from the union which precipitated the Civil War.

What is going on now in 2021 could be the beginning of the end of the American representative democratic experiment that our founding fathers put into place when they founded this nation.

What is mandatory for any democratic nation, whether it be a representative democracy like the United States, or a pure democratic nation like other countries to survive, is that everyone must abide by the results of an election.

If you have one side who will not accept losing, and that side is big enough, it could take down the whole system. This is starting to happen in the United States now as I write this.

As for me, in my early adult life at the age of 18 I registered as a Republican because Ronald Reagan was my commander-in-chief, I was in the military, I liked him, but I did not really know what the Republicans stood for. I know I did not like the fact that Jimmy Carter allowed US hostages to be taken by the Iranians, and they were held for a significant amount time, and I liked the fact that Ronald Reagan apparently got the hostages released on the day he took office. I was 17 and not yet able to vote. I was ignorant.

After the military, I went to college and law school and became educated, I changed parties.

Much like most Americans there are aspects of what both parties want, that I like. I am more of a middle of the road type of guy, and I believe that most Americans are the same as me.

It seems like the radicals in both parties are at the forefront at the present time raising havoc. But it seems to me like the majority of Republicans as it stands right now have become radicalized.

For those men like me who have served in the military, woke up in the morning and went to bed at night saluting old glory, it is inconceivable that we may lose our nation as we know it but unfortunately it appears that time has come to pass, with what is happening now.

The first subversive president in United States history, Donald Trump has caused such a divide in our nation, coupled with constant right-wing media disinformation, that tens of millions of people believe falsely that our election was rigged against Donald Trump.

Donald Trump proudly proclaimed months before the presidential election that the only way he could lose was if there was fraud or cheating. He claimed this notwithstanding the fact that he was behind in every major poll predicting who would win the presidency. Joe Biden always led in the polls, so Trump knew he was going to lose months before the election when he made the prediction.

When Trump lost the election, he fabricated allegations of fraud when no fraud existed except for a few Republicans who actually committed fraud, not Democrats.

Donald Trump is a sore loser, he created a false outcome, i.e., mass voter fraud, and tried to fabricate a narrative to support his false outcome. When you tell people a lie enough times, they will believe the lie. That is what is happening with Republicans right now.

There is literally no evidence to support the claim of Donald Trump that he lost due to mass fraud, and over 50 court cases that have been filed by the Trump campaign have been dismissed for failure to provide competent evidence or failure to provide a valid claim that is supported by facts or evidence that there was fraud.

The Courts and even Trump’s own Attorney General Barr have concluded there was no widespread fraud.

It is apparent to all intelligent Americans that Donald Trump fabricated claims of voter fraud to justify his loss, and his supporters without any basis in fact or evidence, believed his false allegations. No other American president that I know of has ever acted in such a manner.

It appears now that unpatriotic members of Congress who are Republicans, have now drank the Donald Trump Kool-Aid, and will object to the United States democratic election results notwithstanding the fact that Joe Biden won the election, there is no evidence to support any objection to his election, it is apparent that Joe Biden not only won the popular vote by over 7 million votes, but he also won the electoral college by a substantial number.

It appears that Congress members are objecting to the election because they lost the Presidency and are not willing to go along with the will of the American people anymore.

Luckily, this time around the House of Representatives is controlled by the Democrats so it is doubtful that these unpatriotic members of Congress who do not want to abide by the election results will be able to overturn the results of the American presidential election.

However, what if in the future both houses of Congress are controlled by the political party that loses the presidential election? Will those members of Congress not abide by the presidential election? If this were to occur that would be the end of the American experiment.

This is not a joke; this is deadly serious. It is 2021 and we are on the cusp of losing our nation as we know it. If we cannot vote for the president that we want, and get the president that we want, we are no longer the United States of America that our founding fathers created.

For whatever reason Republicans are now unwilling to abide by our presidential election and are trying to subvert the will of the people by overturning the results of the election. These cowards are not abiding by the Constitution that they swore to defend and are willing to tear our country apart to maintain power.

I am not sure what is going to happen, maybe a Civil War is necessary in this country to keep it a free country, I hope this is not the case.

Those of you who want to keep a free United States of America remember that the Republicans are trying to take away your vote and install Donald Trump as president for another four years when he lost the election, after we free Americans fired this man. This is not Russia; this is the United States of America.

Those congress members who object to the free American election must be voted out in masse and never shall we accept what amounts to sedition to be seated in our congress again.

By Norman Gregory

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