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Poor Norman News

With incoming President Joe Biden there is hope for our nation’s future.

I watched with disgust over the last four years as Donald Trump and right-wing media sowed hatred and demonized the half of America that identify as liberal and/or Democrats. Never before have I heard an American president calling their political rivals radical, communist, socialist, etc.

Frankly, this same type of brainwashing of one group or members of a country against another was done by the Nazis in World War II against their perceived political rivals. We know what happened in that situation, 6 million Jews were murdered, Gypsies were murdered, political rivals were murdered only God knows how many people were murdered due to the brainwashing divisive and demonization that was done by the Nazi propaganda machine.

The same thing is going on here in the United States through right wing media. Anytime a news organization that is not really a news organization but a political entertainment machine, spews constant seven day a week 24 hour a day mistruths and disinformation, people will eventually start to believe the lies that they are mean told.

Over the past four years the president instead of representing all of the United States people, pandered to his so-called base with constant divisive and hate filled propaganda to the extent that by the time the election came, his supporters honestly believed that the country would go under if the Democrats took the presidency. Imagine that these people have been brainwashed to such an extent that they do not believe the Democrats can run the country without destroying it.

Never mind the fact that Bill Clinton ran the country for eight years just fine, or Barack Obama ran the country for eight years just fine, Donald Trump and the right-wing propaganda machine convinced these people that the Democrats are so bad that they would destroy the nation.

There are educated people on the right that came to believe the propaganda message. The end result was that some of these zealots have become domestic terrorists and attacked their own United States Capitol building and the United States Congress itself with the aim of reversing a democratic election and thus ruining United States Representative democracy.

I will say it again, these people have been brainwashed to such an extent that they would destroy the United States to keep a man like Donald Trump in office. We have a major problem here in this nation.

Now I am all for free speech, but maybe it is time for return to the fairness doctrine for media outlets, and require media or so-called media, to give equal time to both sides or all sides, so that their watchers of the news hear all sides of the political argument.

One thing is certain, a blue-chip investigative panel needs to be put into place to confront the right-wing domestic terrorist that now in a threat our nation. It has been left alone for far too long. With Timothy McVeigh in the Oklahoma City bombing, with the attacks in Charlottesville, the Branch Davidians, Ruby Ridge, the right-wing extremist takeover of federal property in the north over grazing rights, the attack on the United States Capitol, armed militias attempting to suppress state governments by parading around with weapons at government buildings, etc. it has gone too far.

If we do not do something now, we will lose our nation. The people that have become radicalized, are capable of horrible atrocities. They will not conform to the rules of war, they are out of their minds. Just like Al Qaeda and ISIS, United States right wing domestic terrorists are just as radical and probably even more dangerous.

We fought a civil war against the Confederates once, seeing the rebel Confederate flag at the attack on the US Capitol a couple of weeks ago and a domestic insurgent walking a Confederate flag through the capital, makes me think that we are still fighting the Confederates except this time they infect all 50 states.

We must find a solution before it is too late.

By Norman Gregory

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