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Poor Norman News

Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Brainwashed Trump supporters attempt a coup d’état.

This week we have been watching history. The brainwashed Trump supporters that we have been interacting with over the last few years were not happy with the results of the election in 2020, and at the behest of their dear leader Donald Trump, they stormed the United States Capitol that was in session with the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate, attempting to place their dear leader as President even though he lost the election.

At the time we called this a bloodless coup d’état or insurrection, but in fact blood was spilled.

As United States Air Force veteran who used to salute the Star-Spangled Banner every day, and who has sworn an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution twice in my life the last time being in 1997 up to the present, I was appalled. I am sure most Americans who observed what was going on were also appalled.

Since the attempted coup d’état and insurrection of Trump supporters, I have been watching the news constantly as are many of you as well.

I am not a psychiatrist nor am I some kind of left-wing radical, I am a middle road of the road type a guy, and it is not hard to see that Trump supporters and many on the right have become radicalized by constant seven day a week 24-hour right-wing propaganda of the type that Goebbels used when he served Adolf Hitler, to radicalize the Germans to start World War II, and to murder 6 million Jews.

In essence not only have many Republicans and Trump supporters become radicalized, but they are brainwashed into a Trump cult. They being the victims of constant propaganda which spews hate and demonization against Democrats and so-called liberals, like drug addicts have no clue that they are in what amounts to a death cult. They do not know they are brainwashed. The parrot the crap they have been fed.

You can see the difference between the way Donald Trump was campaigning, and the way Joe Biden was campaigning. Donald Trump talked about the radical left and how the country would not survive if the Democrats were elected, and that the Democrats were radical, and that the Democrats were communist and socialist, and that there is no way the economy would do good under the Democrats.

Whereas Joe Biden talked about bringing the nation together and representing all Americans.

The hateful and divisive rhetoric not only from Donald Trump, but from his supporters and political party, the Republicans, have never in our history been so insidious and hateful.

For the eight years before Pres. Trump was elected, Barack Obama ran the country just fine and saved it from economic calamity and brought the nation back. If you listened to the rhetoric from Donald Trump and the Republicans, Barack Obama destroyed the nation which in fact was not only not the case, but it was a boldface lie. This is called disinformation.

When you have a political party that is so hell-bent on gaining power or staying in power that they will say and do anything, we are in big trouble. There are feebleminded people amongst us who will believe the false narrative and take action which was seen during the insurrection this week.

What is the scary part of the insurrectionists at the capital were people from all walks of life including lawyers, firefighters, retired military personnel, etc. being a part of it.  In other words, not all of the brainwashed insurrectionists that tried to take down our country were feebleminded, some of them were smart enough to know better.

The people that attacked our capital and our Congress with the intent to overturn the election and therefore our constitutional government, because they did not like the results, are enemies of our nation and our people. They are the enemy within. These are not ordinary people; these are people who are brainwashed and not in their right mind. These are people who have been listening and watching compartmentalized brainwashing propaganda and disinformation from right wing media sources, and these people for the most part do not get news or information from any other sources.

After a while someone who nonstop listens to disinformation and propaganda begin to believe the bull crap that they are being fed which is exactly what is happened to the Republican Party of today.

I am hopeful that the people that are brainwashed by right wing disinformation are too lazy to actually really start a civil war. The fact is we Americans all have more in common than not. You know there is something seriously wrong though with people who know hundreds of thousands of people have died from a coronavirus pandemic but yet they will still walk around without a mask acting like nothing is wrong simply because Donald Trump told them so.

The mob that descended upon Washington was a wake-up call for us all. A motivated force could have easily gotten into the capital and taken out one branch of our government.

If you do not know you should know based upon the insurrection that took place last week, our representative democracy is hanging by a thread. There is a percentage of the population that does not want to abide by the results of election because they lost the election. They are willing to tear down our government because they lost. Democracy requires cooperation from everyone. If your party does not win, you vote when the next election comes along and maybe you will win, maybe you will not.

I like you want those who attacked the United States Capitol to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. I want Donald Trump removed from office now. I want Donald Trump prosecuted for inciting an insurrection along with Rudolph Giuliani, Donald Trump’s sons, and any other party who incited the insurrection.

I want a quick reaction force to be stationed in Washington DC to prevent what happened at the US Capitol building from ever happening again.

I love the United States of America, but there are people that love Donald Trump out there more than they do their own nation. It is time now for we as Americans to call out the constant right-wing propaganda that is creating these monsters that attacked the United States Capitol. It is time for United States businesses who love capitalism, to shut down advertising for media that promotes right wing extremism. As they can see, if allowed to go unchecked, they will soon lose their nation as well.

I am a free-speech guy, but not when that speech incites insurrection against the United States government, that speech should not be protected.

By Norman Gregory

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