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Poor Norman News

Washington DC has become an armed fortress ahead of Joe Biden’s inauguration on January 20, 2021

Poor Norman News, January 14, 2021

The attack on the capital in Washington DC by Trump supporting domestic terrorists who attempted a coup d’état against the United States by interfering with the certification of the electoral college votes by Congress, and reinserting Trump as president notwithstanding the fact that he lost the election, has resulted in the United States realizing the threat and enacting security measures to prevent anything like this happening in the future.

Approximately 20,000 National Guard troops have been deployed in and around Washington DC to provide security for Joe Biden’s inauguration. The National Guard troops will complement federal law enforcement in providing security to the city, the government, and for the peaceful transition of power that occurs pursuant to the United States Constitution.

Donald Trump is the only president in United States history to actively interfere with the peaceful transfer of power, and to actively insight insurrection against the government of the United States.

The United States sees the domestic terrorists as enemies of our government, the same way it looked at the Confederate secession during the Civil War.

The Federal Bureau of investigation is seeking to find as many people who were responsible for the attack on our government as possible, and the United States Attorney is seeking to prosecute them.

The United States government is making it clear just like it did during Civil War times, that it will not tolerate any violent attack on the United States whether it be foreign or domestic.

The National Guard troops that are deployed in Washington are armed but there rules of engagement have not been publicized as of yet.

The FBI has warned that white nationalist domestic terrorists plan armed so-called protests in the nation’s capital and at each of the 50 state capitals in the union.

The FBI has warned each state to be on notice.

By Norman Gregory

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